
This video and many others are found on churchofjesuschrist.org

Springtime is a grand showcase of New Life. Daffodils and tulips push their green stems up from newly thawed ground, a symbol of rebirth. The cold grip of winter with it’s lifeless landscape gives way to a miraculous splendor of life and color. It’s a parable! The tulips shed their dried up petals as the summer heat seems to dry up their very lives. The bulb lies hidden in the cold, dark earth until that glorious spring morning when it rises again. Resurrection. The resurrection of Jesus Christ has broken the grasp of death. He lives today, and His power can enable us to become both new in spirit in our dark times in life, and new in body as a resurrected and eternally living person, a gift given to all of us, and celebrated again this Easter. Easter is truly a message of deliverance for all of us.

A Constant Prayer

How does one keep a constant prayer in one's heart?
Here are some ideas where we can start:
Some answers are found in the habits that we form.
Our daily prayers and study keep us safe from life's storms.

Study of Holy Scriptures gives us the desire to pray.
True prayers of meditation help us more day by day.
As God's wisdom grows in us, we open up our heart.
As we honor God's Sabbath, this will help us start.

By asking Lord Jesus for forgiveness, repentance helps us see.
As we grow more constant in the Lord, we begin to truly see.
Then constant prayer, like a seed in us, starts to grow.
Through our gratitude and attitude, we begin to truly know.

The more we seek for constant prayer, the more we learn and grow.
We each must strive to hear the spirit more each night and day,
As we learn to hear the still small voice and walk in God's pure way,
We believe each weak child, in Christ, can, in their heart, hear and see.
If we strive with heart and soul, body and mind, our Lord will help us be
In constant touch with the Holy Ghost ,as we are meant to be.

Below is a simple1-minute video about prayer taken from churchofjesuschrist.org

Temples are obvious places of prayer, but we could never have a constant prayer if we only prayed in the temple! Sometimes my best times to pray are driving in the car, or stopping to enjoy a view, or when a wave of anger comes on me, or, or, or anytime. Anywhere. Isn’t it marvelous that we have access to God and his peace, comfort and strength anytime we are willing? Where are your best places and times to pray?

Who are we, really?

Some months ago I joined a local group in an online class on emotional resilience. There were many good ideas to help anyone to navigate those times in life when we feel that we are in a dark place, or when we feel hopeless, or afraid, or depressed, or suffer from all kinds of anxieties. Everyone faces those times, and in our current economical and political and social climate, we are more likely to feel an increase in these emotional crises.

In the class, there was presented a video produced by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It deals with our identity, and I believe it is a foundational concept to help us avoid those dark places.

The video link is found below:

To the man who never met a sunset he didn’t appreciate…

The following was written by our daughter: a tribute to her Dad. It is tender and powerful and demonstrates the profound influence to be found in family relationships. We all carry pieces of our parents and grandparents. Too often, the human imperfections become the focus, and we miss seeing the ‘divine’ . Perhaps we are too fearful of what we perceive others might expect of us, and we blindly close our minds and eyes to the flecks of gold found in each of us. Or we simply never find the time appropriate to be still and open up our hearts, and become vulnerable enough to step into someone’s soul and have a sacred unforgettable experience.

The video above is entitled “What Matters Most” and is downloaded from the following website: churchofjesuschrist.org