Easter Thoughts

Yesterday we celebrated Easter along with millions of others. Common themes were: bunnies, dyed eggs, spiral-cut ham, purple baskets, plastic eggs filled with surprises, etc. I struggle to keep from being distracted from the awesome reason for the holiday–the triumphant resurrection of Jesus Christ. I seek never to be complacent about the impact of that message. Because of Jesus, I have hope in a time to come when I can associate with those I love. Death will be no barrier. Easter is the time to bask in His love and promises. (And, yes, to be over-filled with ham and children’s laughter!)

The post below contains the last verses of a poem entitled “Who is Jesus Christ?”.

Jesus Christ suffered for us all on that last great night.
Our sins pressed blood from every pore in Gethsemane’s moonlight.
Judas led armed men unto God’s son. 30 silver coins damned his soul.
They took Christ on the darkest night our world will ever know.

The wicked leaders of the Jews condemned and spat upon our Lord.
Then Pilot, governor from Rome, pled to save him from that blood-thirsty hoard.
The evil leaders of the Jews cried, “Let His blood be upon us?”
Then sent Christ to the place of the skull to satisfy their lust.

Nailed to a cross, between two thieves, Christ asked God to forgive.
Then our Lord gave up his life and went home to God to live.
Christ’s torn body was laid in the tomb as Roman guards stood by.
Angels came and Jesus rose as the third dawn filled the sky.

We believe that Jesus Christ died for every living soul,
And for all who come to know him, our testimonies grow.
Praise to Him from dawn to eve. He is the one true way.
His life and light guide all who seek, learn and obey.


The Highest Place

On Sunday, March 20th, the Provo City Temple was dedicated. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints were able to participate by satellite as they gathered in various local churches throughout Utah. We were among that throng here in Magna, Utah.
Several years ago the Provo Tabernacle was destroyed by fire. All that remained was the brick walls that were built with great sacrifice, over 100 years ago by the pioneers. The tragedy was felt deeply by the local saints. Now, fast-forward to today and see the transformation of those walls into a beautiful temple. Those who watched the progress witnessed a marvel in engineering. The outside walls were reinforced from inside. The whole building was placed on stilts as the earth beneath was removed. The entire inside was renewed.
Speakers at the dedication spoke of the Parable of the Provo City Temple. Just as the building itself was renewed, transformed, so we can also be changed, renewed, transformed as we attend temples that are built to open the gates for Heavenly Father’s children to return to Him. It is there that we gain knowledge, increase in wisdom, and receive saving ordinances. This glorious blessing is available to all God’s children.

I found this poem, originally written for our grandchildren, expressing our joy in temple service:

The highest place of learning, of service, and of love,
Is found within our Father’s House. Temples teach us from above.
Like when we climb a mountain, and see earth from on high.
Minds are touched with the splendor of earth, sea and sky.

When we go unto God’s temples, we serve beyond ourselves,
For our ancestors; their joy and eternal wealth.
We seal them as families for all eternity,
Giving all loving souls equal opportunity.

We hear the sacred covenants and we become renewed,
As sacred, holy ordinances are performed and reviewed.
We bask within the spirit that rules time and space,
And find our true connection within this holy place.

We want you to know how much we care for you.
Temples are the highest place to learn what’s pure and true.
Children, please prepare yourselves in worthiness and love,
To serve in sacred temples of our Father up above.

p.s. Temples are earth’s highest universities of our Lord’s eternal love.

Salt Lake City Temple

Thankfulness and Thoughtfulness

Thankfulness and thoughtfulness are two things we need more.
Selfishness and slothfulness can make loved ones grow sore.
When we think of others in thankful, thoughtful ways,
Do they respond in kindness to us throughout our days?

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”,
Are words from the Master that grow more sure and true.
If we share with our loved ones in honest careful ways,
Will they become more opened throughout life’s passing days?

Whenever we are thoughtless and selfish in our acts,
Do those we should have cared for feel our cold attacks?
Are our greatest riches found in friends and family?
Does their love for us grow stronger with gentle honesty?

Must we watch and reflect on what we say and do?
Repent when we’ve done wrong and selfish acts burn through?
Ask for forgiveness and forgive whenever sin breaks through?
Will thankfulness and thoughtfulness grow more strong and true?


I Need a Laugh

I am feeling tons of stress this morning. I need a laugh. Sick grand kids. Upcoming surgeries. I searched the pages of our poems to find one to lighten my mood, and this one made me laugh. Oh, the simple things in life can bring us so much joy; like poking a fire with sticks!

We drove down a freeway, then we passed through the towns.
We bumped on a dirt road and bounced up and down.
We came around the corner and we first saw the spot:
Trees, grasses, flowers–growing on the lot.

We’d never seen the place before. We feared what it might be.
But when we saw the beauty there, it filled us all with glee.
The cabin was so cozy, and cute as it could be.
The bunkhouse gave the boys room to make them wild and free.

Bobby saw a deer, and Eva spied a squirrel.
Valoree found a hummingbird. She’s such a clever girl.
She tracked it flying up and down and even east and west.
And then she saw it going home and plopping in it’s nest.

We took a walk across the bridge and found a grassy spot.
Bob took a drive, and with a pole, the fish were caught.
We lit a fire and then we poked in it with sticks.
We walked around and came back and checked ourselves for ticks.
