Wind Chimes

Wind has many moods, in force and intensity.
We see it in a summer breeze, or at a storm at sea.
We feel it in a brisk, cool wind, as winter stings each soul,
Or in the warm, hot summer, as sweat cools it’s hot flow.

Like wind we each have many changes that temper and steel our soul.
Sickness, injury and death can burn and freeze our flow,
Yet there are many times when we feel wind’s pleasant breeze.
Our memories can ease our hearts with such a gentle ease.

Wise Men and Camels

Last week some of our family attended a live nativity. I have never done that before and was excited to see if they would really do sheep and camels, and was not disappointed. The sheep were very wooly and had to be coaxed for their appearance. I was standing so close to the pathway where they entered that I could have reached out and and greeted them with a tender touch, but, I restrained myself. As the story unfolded, the anticipated camels began their trek, each one led by a wise man. Again, I was still very close to the path, and hemmed in by the crowd and a makeshift building at my back. When I saw them coming, I squeezed against the building to make room for their surprisingly massive bodies. The first one filed past me, and I marveled at it’s immensity, especially when it seemed to balk at the crowd and whatever instructions it was receiving. Suddenly, it pulled against it’s halter and came swinging backwards toward ME! There was nowhere to go, except to brace for the impact of a huge camel’s butt bolting directly my way. In a flash it swooped past me, arighted itself and continued on it journey to the manger. Breathlessly, I said a silent prayed of thanks that I would be able to emerge from the nativity in one whole, unbroken piece! What an adventure. The animals added a delightful dimension that I shall never forget.

Animals are delightful. I would like to include some photos taken just 3 months ago in Teton National Park…Just remember, don’t get too close!

The following link is a video of the nativity: